
I think this sums up everything!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Putting on My Big-Girl Pants to Teach Tomorrow . . . eeek!

Alright everyone. The time has come for me to actually teach this mini worksample. I swear, my students better love me too, because candy is going to improve their attitudes. I am not above bribery, by any means. However, I am super NERVOUS! That is the only reason to mention candy, and it's almost Halloween.

Ok, so for serious now everyone. I am nervous though. What if the lessons have too much, what if my students don't understand the material, what if they hate it? I have all these worrisome questions in my head running rampant. I don't know how to answer them. I guess I am just nervous that what I am doing won't appeal to my students. I don't think it's an issue of failing at anything, except what if the lessons are not going to rally the students to fight for a cause?

I want to do my best and inspire my students at the same time. I want them to understand that equity has not been won, there is still a fight, and everyone should understand that. I want all the girls to leave asking the question, "when should I run for office?" I want the boys to leave asking similar questions, "when should I run for office? why don't I inspire my sister to run for office?" I want to leave asking the question, "What more can I do for these students to inspire them to be the best they can be?"

I think every single one of my students can do something to change the world. They just don't know it yet. They all have the power to change the world, and I hope that these nest five days will show them some great examples of women who have done just that. I won't lie, I am using some great stuff. Thanks Sunny for all your hard work. (And I hope you don't mind that I had to tweak the lessons to fit my students) . . .

I feel like there is this huge fire inside me, that I can't put out. It's a blaze for change. I want to impact the world, my students, and people who are close-minded. I want to show a different vision, I want everyone to feel included. I just can't even articulate it right, but I want to leave something behind for posterity.

If one person was ever changed for the better because of something I did, then I would know that I have made a change. If one person ever stands up for what they believe in, because of me, then I will have made a difference.

I sincerely hope that my students take away, from this set of lessons, what I have learned over the last 5 years of my life. That women are strong, capable, and wonderful leaders. That women have the power to change the world in a blink of an eye.

Until tomorrow readers, keep it classy, brassy and a little sassy . . .

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